Monday, June 22, 2009

Reading - Queen of Babble Gets Hitched

Queen of Babble Gets Hitched by Meg Cabot

Lizzie Nichols was canoodling with Chaz after she and Luke, Chaz's best friend, broke up (Queen of Babble in the Big City, 2007). Now—shocker alert—Luke returns to New York and slips a three-carat diamond engagement ring on her finger. Lizzie accepts even though she's still all googly over Chaz, who bluntly warns Lizzie that Luke's all about Luke and couldn't love her the way he does. Lizzie, a wedding dress restorer and budding designer specializing in wedding garb, faces a hives-inducing decision: dump rich Luke, who wants to be an investment banker in Paris, and hook up with Chaz, who wants to teach? Or should she marry Luke and ditch New York for Paris? And then there's the matter of her burgeoning design business, helped along by Ava Geck, a Paris Hilton–like celebrity heiress.

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