Thursday, September 27, 2007

Reading - The New Woman

The New Woman by Jon Hassler

At the age of eighty-eight, Agatha McGee has grudgingly moved out of her house on River Street and into the Sunset Senior Apartments. She’s not happy about giving up her independence, and Sunset Senior’s arts and crafts activities and weekly excursions to the Blue Sky Casino are hardly a consolation. Meanwhile two of her close friends pass away, her nephew Frederick is drifting into depression, and a kidnapped little girl has suddenly appeared on her doorstep, and a fellow resident has caught her eye.
Coping with the deaths of two close friends and trying to cheer up her depressed nephew Frederick, Agatha inadvertently starts a support group. Within weeks, the group has swelled to include most of Staggerford's citizens, who, along with Agatha, tell their stories and face their demons together.

With characteristic poise and dignity, Agatha takes on her problems and finds that the bonds of friendship and family are still the key to happiness at any age.

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