Thursday, September 14, 2006

Nothing is done

Re my friend's blue cardigan that I have finished at July, here are the photos sent by her recently. It is a little bit larger but not so bad, I quite like it. I will try to adjust her measurement by viewing these photos for future use.

During these few week, I knit nothing and no progress for my pink colourway cotton cardigan. It seems the weather will become cooler, I should be hurry to finish it otherwise it will slip to next year.

What am I busy now? Scanning my travel pictures and store in CD. There are so many albums (before digital camera is invented) that don't know how many hours are needed to do this tedious task. I only want to space out more places for the knitting books. It is always very hard to find spaces at your home to store your favourite collection, especially at Hong Kong - small house.

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